Empowering our community, one organization at a time. Apply today to receive up to $3,000 towards your charitable cause.
UVSA carefully reviews over one hundred proposals each year from Southern California non-profit organizations that address the needs of the community.
Please review the guidelines below before applying
- Must be incorporated and operate in Southern California
- Must be a 501(c)(3) exempt organization or operate under a federally exempt organization (i.e. public school)
- Must provide services to residents in Southern California
- Must apply to fund a specific project that will execute between December 1, 2019 and May 31, 2020
- Maximum grant amount for Fall 2019 cycle is $3,000
- May only be considered for one UVSA grant per fiscal year
- If you received funding from UVSA in the past, you must complete the GRANT RECAP section in the application and attach all expense receipts
Please note that UVSA does not fund the following:
- Individuals, for-profit organizations, or non-incorporated organizations
- Employee wages, salaries, or benefits, including independent contractors receiving 1099-MISC
- Organizations with more than $250,000 in gross revenue
- Political organizations or lobbying activity, labor unions, or private foundations
- Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran or disability statuses in the delivery of services and in their employment practices
Over the past 19 years, UVSA has awarded over $1.5 million to Southern California non-profit organizations. The UVSA Grant is funded by proceeds of the annual UVSA Tet Festival.
Applications are due by 11:45 PM on Nov 17, 2019
UVSA will review and interview applicants, if applicable
Applicants will be notified of the results after Nov 20, 2019
Beneficiaries may begin using funds towards their projects
Beneficiaries shall report their results by June 30, 2020
Have Questions? Check our FAQ!

we believe
in giving back. In 2000, then UVSA President Phu Nguyen and his team coordinated a highly successful Tet Festival. Understanding that the event was for the community, they agreed to allocate profits from the event towards the Tet Community Assistance Fund which continues to benefit charities across Southern California.
- Boy Scouts of America Troop 1004
- Boy Scouts of America Troop 52
- CampMed at UC Irvine
- Cao Dai Youth Association
- DeMille Elementary School
- G.I. Joe Search and Rescue – The Joe Le Foundation
- Hat Boi Art Letter Club
- Lien Doan Chi Lang Association
- Lien Doan Huong Dao Lac Viet
- Lien Doan Huong Dao Truong Son
- Medical Educational Missions and Outreach
- OCAVMHAS – Orange County Association for Vietnamese Mental Health Awareness and Support
- Project MotiVATE, Inc.
- The Association Of Vietnamese Language & Culture Schools of Southern California
- The Vietnamese Student Union at UCLA
- Thieu Nhi Thanh The: Doan Thang Thien
- Vietnamese American Arts and Letters Association
- Vietnamese Artists Friendship Club
- Vietnamese Student Association at CSU Long Beach
- Vietnamese Student Association at CSU Los Angeles
- Vietnamese Student Association at UC Irvine
- Vietnamese Student Association at UC San Diego
- Vietnamese Student Association at UC Santa Barbara
- Vietnamese Student Association at USC
- Vietnamese-American Youth Alliance
- Westminster RACES
- Caodai Overseas
- Cau Lac Bo Hung Su Viet
- ChickTech
- Crystal Lotus Foundation
- DeMille Elementary School
- LD Bach Dang Giang
- Lien Doan Huong Dao Hoa Lu
- Medical Educational Missions and Outreach
- Norooz Clinic Foundation
- Orange Coast College Circle K
- Phan Boi Chau Youth Association
- Project MotiVATe
- The Association of Vietnamese Language & Culture Schools of Southern California
- Viet Bao Foundation
- Vietnamese American Arts and Letters Association
- Vietnamese Heritage Museum
- Vietnamese Student Association at CSU Northridge
- Vietnamese Student Union at UCLA
- Vietnamese Traditional Arts Development Organization
- Cau Lac Bo Hung Su Viet
- DeMille Dual Immersion Program
- Lạc Hong Performing Arts
- Lien Doan Huong Dan Hoa Lu
- Lien Doan Huong Dao Lac Viet
- Uy Ban Bao Toan Dat To
- Vietnamese Heritage Museum
- Vietnamese Student Association at CSU Fullerton
- Vietnamese Student Association at CSU Long Beach
- Vietnamese Student Association at CSU Northridge
- Vietnamese Student Association at UC Irvine
- Vietnamese Student Association at UC Riverside
- Vietnamese Student Association at UC San Diego
- Vietnamese Student Association at UC Santa Barbara
- Vietnamese Student Association at USC